The street mail-to address Enter the total cost incurred for this product or service. Press Enter to Exit Help Enter as MM/DD/YY. If not purchased, enter birth date. Press ENTER to Exit Help The animals breed Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the name you call your animal Press Enter to exit help Key in the City or Town Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the Class of the Show - Example: OPEN Press ENTER to Exit Help These fields of information are all pretty straight forward. You really don't need any help for any fields on this form. The animal's color Press Enter to Exit iUPGRADE This program was designed for DOS 2.1 or newer. It will run fine under Windows 3.1 & Windows 4 Workgroups Reports in this version aren't compatible with all Win95 PC's To register your copy, send $10.00 to: John Keho (Address below) To get a Win95 Version send $19.95 to: John Keho, Pets-Win95 Ver | John Keho | AOL Pets Registration | 6429 So. Leggate Road | Superior, WI 54880-8351 | WInclude your Name, Address, Phone & Fax phone numbers, Computer Make, Model, RAM, printer make, model, DOS version and are you running PETS.EXE under DOS, Windows, Windows 4 Workgroups or Windows95 + who or what organization sold you the program. [THANK-YOU FOR SUPPORTING SHAREWARE fPress Enter-Key to exit Help! Enter date as MM/DD/YY Press Enter to exit Help Name of the dog Enter the Entry Fee charged for this show Press ENTER to Exit Help Name of an event Date vacine expires License fee FILE NAME: Enter any valid file name. The report will be saved with that name. Warning: If the file already exists, it will be replaced. First name YOU ARE WORKING WITH A "FORM" SOMETIMES REFERED TO AS A "RECORD" EACH ONE OF THESE FORMS IS A SEPERATE PIECE OF INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE ACTION THAT IS HAPPENING OR WILL BE HAPPENING IS DISPLAYED ON THE FORM. Press Enter to Exit Help HOW MANY COPIES? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. How many copies? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. Printer: Select the printer port to be used for this report. The choices are listed to the right. Use the arrow keys to choose one. If you are unsure, user LPT1. Number of pages: This shows the total number of pages that will be printed. If the report is 2 pages long and you select 1 copy, then 2 pages will print. If you select 2 copies, 4 pages will print Group name e.g. Open, Sporting etc. Enter the fee Charged by the person at this show Press ENTER to Exit Help Key in the information you wish to have printed on your report header. Erase unwanted characters. Press ENTER to Exit Help owOPTIONS1 REPORTS HELP WINDOW Highlight and press Enter-Key to select appropriate report. POINTS & EXPENSES SHOW EXPENSES FOR 1 ANIMAL (SELECTED TIME PERIOD) JUDGES-HISTORY SHOW HISTORY FOR ONE JUDGE (TIME PERIOD). HISTORY 1-HANDLER SHOW HISTORY FOR 1 HANDLER (TIME PERIOD). HANDLERS-HISTORY ALL HANDLERS HISTORY (COMPARISON). EXIT THIS MENU EXIT - RETURN TO PREVIOUS ACTION Press Enter to Exit Help Enter what traits the Judge liked Press ENTER to Exit Help Name of the Kennel Last name Your option/choice Perhaps Clothing, Size etc. Sex=M or F, AM-CH=Y or N, CN-CH=Y or N, Neut/Spay=Y or N Enter-Key to Exit Help MEDICAL Select Animals and press your enter key. This will allow you to enter information regarding your animal. Press Enter to Exit Help EXT Press Enter to access the Maintenance Screen. You can enter the Sellers, Buyers, Judges, Vets, and Breeds through this portion of the program. This information will be accessed through pop-up windows throughout your program. Press Enter to Exit Help SJS Press your Enter key to select Medical records for your animal. You will make an entry every time your animal is treated by a vet or incurs medical treatment of any kind. Press Enter to Exit Help EXPENSE INFORMATION Press your INSERT key to add a new record, DELETE to delete a record or ENTER to Modify an existing record. Press Enter to Exit Help Memo = General comments this entry. Four lines of 29 characters each. Press Enter to Exit Help Highlight and select the amount of RAM that is installed in your computer. Select 2+MB if you have more that 2 MB of RAM Memory installed. Press Enter to Exit Help erCOPYRITE MAIN MENU Use your and arrow-keys to pick a Menu choice. Press your Enter-Key to activate that choice. SECONDARY MENUS To navigate Menues, simply use your Arrow-Keys and Once your choice is high-lighted press the Enter-Key Always press your Enter-Key to Exit Help Windows #<-1 Item 1 is general info Enter prior to printing any reports. Add/Mod/Del Pet Info Add/Mod/Del "People" +<-5 Add/Mod/Del Expenses +<-6 80 Column Vendor Report (<-7 Add/Mod/Del SHOW Expenses Print SHOW Report Data )<-9 Archive data to Floppy )<-10 Quit this program 3Press Enter to Exit Help! Vacine Manufacturer Enter the Amount of Misc expenses incurred for this show Press Enter to Exit Help PEOPLE/TYPE: Enter the Names of Sellers, Buyers, Judges, and Vets. This information is used for the pop-up windows in your program. BREEDS: Enter the Breeds of animals you wish to enter in your program. This information is used for the pop-up windows in your program. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Information about John Keho and Keho and Associates of Superior, Wisconsin. EXIT MAINTENANCE: Select Exit to return to the Main Menu. Press Enter to Exit Help Highlight either Color or Monochrome and press Enter. This program was written exclusively for a color monitor, therefore we cannot guarantee the quality and clarity on a monochrome screen. Press Enter to Exit Help Key in the full Name Press Enter to Exit Help Number of dogs A 5 digit number Highlight to make a selection and press ENTER, Press INSERT to add a record or DELETE to delete a record. You can have an Unlimited number of entries! Press ENTER to Exit Help DATA INPUT AND BACK-UP PROCEDURES This is where you ADD/MODIFY/DELETE entries for these items. Navigate using your arrow-keys, press Enter to activate. We have included the ability to Back-up your data files to either drive A: or B: The files will be backed up to your floppy drive in their standard format. Simply put: This allows you to use the DOS { COPY } command to copy them back onto your hard drive. Enter-Key to exit help iOPTIONS2 24 HOUR - FAX-BACK - SERVICE KEHO & Associates offers you around the clock service VIA our FAX-BACK service. This system is on-line 24- hours a day, 365 days a year! To receive a complimentary directory of DATA-SHEETS { Using your FAX-Phone } dial 715-399-8688 and follow the voice prompts to request Document #100. ENTER-KEY TO EXIT HELP - TECHNICAL SUPPORT - Technical support is available to registered endusers Monday -> Friday 9:00AM -> 9:00PM C.S.T. by calling us at (715) 399-2758. You may also Fax us at the same phone number. Remember our 24 hour a day FAX-BACK Service can be reached at (715) 399-8688 24 hours a day, 365 days/Yr Press your Enter-Key to exit Help! Enter dollar amount Enter to exit help Memo area for this individual. Enter-Key to exit help A window will pop-up for you to select the appropriate person or supplier for this entry. Highlight and press Enter to Select, Delete key to Delete or Insert key to add a new person or supplier to the list. You can have an Unlimited number of entries! Press ENTER to Exit Help Highlight your selection and press the Enter Key. F2 prints a report, F3 prints labels. Press Enter to Exit Help - SCROLLING TABLES - This is a scrolling table with a little information from many different records. You can display information for just DOGS or CATS etc. INS=ADD A NEW ANIMAL DEL=DELETE HIGHLIGHTED CHOICE ESC=GO BACK 1 STEP ENTER=MODIFY HIGHLIGHTED RECORD Enter-Key=Exit Area/Code & phone number. Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the placement of the animal awarded at this show Press ENTER to Exit Help Enter points won in this event. Enter the points awarded at this show Press ENTER to Exit Help Highlight either Dot-Matrix or Laser and press Enter. This is the printer you have installed with your system. Press Enter to Exit Help PRINTER ERROR The printer is not responding to the computer. Possible reasons include: 1. Printer turned off 2. Printer unplugged 3. Out of paper 4. "On-line" light is not light. 5. Cable is loose between the printer and the computer. Check the above. Turn the printer off then back on and retry. TYPE OF PEOPLE Enter a type of person e.g. Handler, Buyer etc. press your ENTER-Key to advance, if you are at the PEOPLE-table press Enter also to proceed. If you have a category displayed and wish to show a different group simply, press your ESC-Key or make sure your cursor is in the upper left-hand corner of your screen and press your space-bar one time and then press your Enter-Key again. Press Enter to proceed Highlight and Press ENTER to Select, INSERT to add a new record or DELETE to delete a record. You can have an Unlimited number of entries! Press ENTER to Exit Help Rabies Vacination date Entered as: MM/YY Month/Year Enter a registration number for your animal. It can be up to 31 characters long, alpha- numeric. If your animal has no number assign a number to him/her ( no duplicates ) Press Enter to exit help )Enter this animals registration no. -or- press Enter-Key to open window with choices. Press Enter to exit help Using your arrow keys, highlight the animal you wish and Press your Enter Key. Press your INSERT key to add a new animal to your file, DELETE key to delete an animal or Enter to accept the highlighted animal. You can have an Unlimited number of entries! Press ENTER to Exit Help Enter the full name of your animal Press enter to Exit Help You may select to view the report on the screen, print on the printer or save it to a file. Use the arrow keys to move to your selection and press the ENTER key. Screen: This opens a window and allows you to view the report on the screen. Printer: This starts the report printing on the printer. You may press the ESC key during printing to cancel at any time. File: This will save the report to a file. Press Enter to Exit Help All REPORTS can be sent out to the screen, printer, or disk. If your report is sent to the disk, you may use it in your favorite wordprocessor. ANIMALS: One Type: Select either Dog or Cat, which ever you prefer to report on. One Breed: Selecting a breed opens a window of breeds your program contains. Simply highlight the breed and press Enter to accept. MEDICAL: Highlight the animal you wish to have a report for and press Enter to accept. This report contains Date of Service, treatment etc, expenses incurred and a three line memo area for your comments. SHOW AND JUDGES REPORTS: This portion in not available in the limited Shareware version. ORDER-FORM: This form is for the full-blown program. Press enter to access an an input form for your information. Complete the form and print it out. Send it along with your check today. Your order will be processed and you will receive your new program shortly. Press Enter to Exit Help MAINT1 Press your Enter Key to Select Reports. You will be presented with another screen of reports to select from. Simply highlight the report you wish to run and press your enter key. You will be able to print the reports to the screen, printer, or to a file to be used by your wordprocessor. Press Enter to Exit Help Dates entered MM/DD/YY 1st date is starting date of report 2nd date is ending date for report Enter-Key to exit help Enter the type of expense you wish to track. Press Enter to Exit Help. Sex: Male, Female Neutered, Spay or Kennel. USE THESE KEYS TO MOVE ABOUT Scrolls down one line Scrolls up one line PgDn Scrolls down one screen PgUp Scrolls up one screen ^PgDn Goes to the bottom ^PgUp Goes to the top END Goes to the bottom HOME Goes to the top Moves left 5 columns Moves right five columns Moves to far left Moves to far right ^ means pressed with Ctrl key This is a sample form used in the full-blown program that allows you to track the show history of your animal, the costs incurred, the placements and points awarded and the the judges likes and dislikes further allowing you to pre- pare yourself and your animal for future shows. To order your copy of the full program, go to your Reports and print out the order form. Mail along with your check today. Press Enter to Exit Help The TABLE in the background displays all your animals past show dates, the city, the animals name, the placement and the total show expense ENTER = MODIFY INS-KEY = ADD A NEW ENTRY DEL-KEY = DELETE ESC-KEY = GO BACK 1 STEP Always press your ENTER-KEY to EXIT Help 9OH! come-on now, you don't really need help do you? This is a general welcome screen with information about our company and services. Enter State Abbreviation e.g. WI, MN etc. Press Enter to Exit Help State Abbreviation e.g. WI, MN etc. Key in the Street or Mailing address. Press Enter to Exit Help If Table is blank press Enter for Choices! Scrolling Tables show parts of files/records. Ins-Key = Add Del-Key = Delete Enter-Key = Select Esc-Key = Go Back Navigate Tables using , Home, End, PgUp PgDn, Ctrl-PgUp, Ctrl-PgDn, Ctrl-Home, Etc. FIND_ at the top of a scrolling table allows you to type 1 or 2 letters to locate an item ->If you have displayed info for 1 group and want to change groups, make sure your cursor is in the upper right-hand corner, press ESC one time and press Enter-Key again. ANIMALS SCROLLING TABLE Each line of data on this table represents one record of information that is on file in your computer program. TYPE= is where you designate the animal type you wish to display information about. If this area is blank simply press your ENTER-Key - or - type an animal type in here for example DOG, CAT etc. If you wish to make an additional selection use your SPACE BAR to erase 1 or more characters and then press your Enter-Key again for a POP-UP Table. Press Enter to Exit Help Highlight and press ENTER to select a TYPE of animal. Press INSERT to add a new animal or DELETE to delete a TYPE. You can have an Unlimited number of entries! Press ENTER to Exit Help Key in your Street or Mail to address. Press Enter to Exit Help Key in your City. Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the highest degree your animal has been awarded. This degree is acquired in obedience competition(DOGS). Press Enter to exit Help Key in your Fax Phone if you have one. Press Enter to Exit Help Key in your full name. If this is a gift, fill out the information of the person you wish to have the program sent to. Please enclose a little note to us and we will include a gift card from you at no charge. Press Enter to Exit Help >When ordering your WIN95 upgrade or registering this copy if you send $ 19.95 we will send you the WIN95 Version. CIf you send $39.90 we will also include our RESOURCE program. This program is VERY special and offers some very UNIQUE data (Included) _Example: 725+ PC related companies (All cross-referenced) Fax-On-Demand Vendors Phone numbers E-Mail & PC company addresses 2,914 A.K.C. Corresponding Secretaries (Addresses) Washington Politicians Phone & Fax numbers. ?My RESOURCE program not only INCLUDES this data but also allows you to ADD, EDIT & print reports from the data. OThank You & Please register this copy! OPress your ENTER-KEY to return to the Main-Menu! Key in your voice phone. If we have any questions, we will call you. Press Enter to Exit Help Be sure to have your printer turned on and ready to print. Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the two character abreviation for your state. Press Enter to Exit Help "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" is general information about Keho & Associates of Superior, Wisconsin. Currently, we are running 486DX computers with Windows for Work Groups installed. We use laser printing for quality. Our newest addition to our list of services is "Fax-Back." From your fax-phone, you may call 1-715-399-8688 and our dedicated computer will answer your call. A voice will guide you through making the selections you wish information about. When you complete the call, the data sheets you requested will be faxed immediately to you. This is our addition to Technology of the Future. This allows you to get the information you need when you want it . . . RIGHT NOW! Press Enter to Exit Help Enter your Zip Code Press Enter to Exit Help Enter the winning animal's name Press ENTER to Exit Help -A 4 digit number for the year e.g. 1994 Enter your Zip Code Press Enter to Exit Help 5 Digit Zip-Code ADDRESS AMOUNT ? BOUGHT BREED R CALL_NAM CITY CLASS } CLUBS COLOR COPYRITE DATE E DOG ENTRYFEE EVENT C EXP z FEE FILENAME FIRST # FORM L GET_CPY GET_CPY2i GRP1 W HANDRFEE HEADER # INACTIVE JLIKED 8 KENNEL LAST LINE2 LR X MAINMENU MAINT1 MEDICAL MED_TBL < MEMO 2 MEMORY MENU MENU1 [ MFG MISCEXP MNTMENU MONITOR NAME NODOGS G% NUMBER t% ONEREGNO OPTIONS OPTIONS1 OPTIONS2 PAID PEOMEMO PEOPLE `- PEO_TBL PET_TBL PHONE PLACE o1 POINTS POINTWON>2 PRINTER PRNT_ERRt3 PTYPE PTYPETBL RABIES REGISTER?9 REGNO C: REG_LU REG_NAME ROUTE RPTMENU RPTS 2D RPT_MENU SDATE ;F SERVICE SEX _G SHOWFIL SHOWS SHOW_TBL SPLASH ST STATE rP STREET TBL 'Q TYPE TYPE_TBLOV UADDRESScW UCITY UDEGREE /X UFAX UNAME ]Y UPGRADE UPHONE USERINFO>^ UST US_FORM N_ UZIP WINNER YEAR Oc ZIP ZIPCODE